Wooden Houses

With many years of experience
HOUSE FACTORY builds wooden
prefabricated houses

Prefab wooden houses, wooden warehouses, wooden pavilions

HOUSE FACTORY with its many years of experience builds wooden prefabricated houses, cottages, villas, commercial buildings, offices, shops or adding structures to existing buildings.

Our constructions are of excellent quality, delivered in a short time and at the best market prices.

Our specialized workshop, after many years of dealing with prefabricated wooden houses, has gained invaluable experience in the construction of wooden prefabricated houses and can cope with any building project, offering you a safe, high-standard, earthquake-proof construction at an economical price.

HOUSE FACTORY ecological and economic houses!


Benefits of House Factory constructions

Low Costs

The wooden prefabricated houses of HOUSE FACTORY are at the best prices on the market and by a large margin cheaper than conventional or other constructions. In addition, the cost of paying EFKA taxes is significantly lower compared to the rest of the constructions. Also, the maintenance cost of the building is minimal as all that is needed is a repainting of the exterior of the building every 10-15 years.

Energy Saving

The high rate of thermal insulation achieved by HOUSE FACTORY in all its constructions, allow you to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer with minimal energy consumption.

More Build

With the constructions of HOUSE FACTORY, additional construction is gained because: 1. The square meters occupied by the walls are not counted in the total construction, based on the New Building Regulations (NOK), because our masonry consists of recyclable materials 2. Our constructions that are energy class A+ are rewarded with 5% additional construction, based on the New Building Regulation (NOK)

Construction Speed

The completion speed of the HOUSE FACTORY constructions is comparatively lower compared to the rest of the constructions. The fast delivery of the building allows you to start using and exploiting your investment sooner.

Seismic Protection

The low weight and high mechanical strength of HOUSE FACTORY's wooden buildings, combined with their high level of elasticity, make them particularly resistant during earthquakes, because they can and do dampen a large percentage of the vibration forces caused by earthquakes in buildings, thus offering you the greatest possible anti-seismic protection that a building can have.

Fire Protection

The wooden buildings of HOUSE FACTORY have great fire protection because they can withstand large fires with temperatures up to 450 degrees Celsius and for a prolonged period of time without igniting.


Our wooden structures are made of solid materials that offer high mechanical strength similar to conventional structures. In addition, the wooden parts of our constructions do not come into direct contact with weather conditions (moisture, wind, sun) due to the fact that they are completely covered by thermal facades and insulation and thus essentially have unlimited time resistance.

Flexible Design

The aesthetic configuration possibilities of our constructions are the same as those of conventional construction. Our building flexibility enables us to realize even the most difficult architectural designs.

Healthy Houses

The wooden constructions of HOUSE FACTORY offer you a healthy living space because they are made of natural materials, without toxic substances. With their ability to regulate temperature and humidity, they create a comfortable and pleasant environment inside the building that relaxes, rests and has a bioenergetic effect on the human body.

Check out our constructions

Wooden houses of high aesthetics, with the most ecological material, wood, offering a number of advantages in the construction of your residence.